Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Nothing To Sneeze At



Nothing To Sneeze At

Noel Laflin


When my sister was last here for a visit, she told me how our folks took to warming up the LA Times in the oven each morning before giving it a read.  They had read (maybe in the newspaper?) – or heard from a friend – that doing so would prevent sneezing, which my dad was prone to do while reading the paper.

This must have taken place long after I had moved out as I do not recall mom tossing the Sunday Times in with the Sunday biscuits.

I asked Susi if the heating of headlines and obituaries did the trick for dad, but she was not sure. I have subsequently read up on the issue, and it seems that some experts believe that airing out the morning delivery in the warm sun – or oven – could reduce print and dust allergies. So, maybe the folks were on to something once upon a time.

I know for certain, however, that newspapers were not the culprit in dad’s later years as sneezing fits occurred even when there were no more papers for him to read, due to macular degeneration. He relied on the evening news for news at that point in his life.

Anyway, the man could rack up many a gesundheit from friends and family. The two of us used to count each sneeze out loud once he passed six or seven, and I would bless each one.  I think thirteen was the record, and he was mighty proud of it. He was ninety years old at the time, so we both took pride in the small accomplishments of life at that point – which was nothing to sneeze at, obviously.

Well, that’s all the news that fit print at present (bless the New York Times).  And if it makes you sneeze, well bless you, too, and feel free to blame the electronic device that has taken the place of paper, ink, paperboys on bikes, and things of the past. Or, maybe, just blame the news itself.



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