Thursday, November 24, 2022

Dusty Brains

Dusty Brains

Noel Laflin


When I was young, and a sneeze would hit me right out of the blue, my mother would say it was due to dusty brains, a great name for a country western singer, by the way. I can't take credit for that, but owe that observation to an old friend.

But, as usual, I digress.

If she, mom, were around today and saw the dust residing about our house, she might revise the reason.
I, of course, blame it on the annual fall initiation of the furnace firing up and blowing out every nasty microscopic particle gathered in the attic for the last six or seven months.
Naw, mom would just, once again, resort to the brains reference and buy me some Pledge.

Meanwhile, I am searching the Internet just to see if there really is, or was, a country western singer by that name.

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