Saturday, February 27, 2021

Left Pocket

 Left Pocket

Noel Laflin


David and I spent ten minutes looking for the cap to the plastic iced tea bottle yesterday.  As the cap is white, I thought it was just hiding somewhere on the white tile counter.


Left it on the table when I brought the iced tea to have with lunch?

Nope again.

Checked the top of the refrigerator.

No luck there either.

Finally looked in the kitchen trash container thinking I might have thrown it away by mistake.

Messy, as well as unsuccessful.

Washed my hands after dumpster inspection and absently wiped them on my pants.

Felt a round object in the left pocket.

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Do Unto the Least of These

 Do Unto the Least of These

Noel Laflin


A little female Allen's hummingbird flew into the garage today and couldn't find her way out, even with the garage door being wide open. That's how she came in, thus I figured that's how she'd leave.
No. She became confused and determined to stick to the rafters.
So, I placed a feeder at the end of an eight foot long fruit picking pole, climbed atop the workbench and held the feeder up to where she could see it.
As hummingbirds are attracted to both the colors red and yellow, I thought she might go for it, and she did.
Once she landed on the feeder and began to drink, I slowly lowered the long pole down and gingerly climbed off the workbench. She stayed in place long enough to see the open daylight and make her getaway.
At one point our faces were just inches from one another. They are so amazing from that perspective.
When I was eleven I joined the Boy Scouts, and one of the first things you need to memorize, as well as put into practice, is the Scout slogan: Do a Good Turn Daily.
They never said how big the receiver of said good deed had to be. I wonder if they envisioned hummingbirds?