Tuesday, December 27, 2022

A Fine Day

A Fine Day

Noel Laflin


Turning 70 was a piece of cake (metaphorically speaking); all I had to do was wake up, start the coffee pot, and enjoy the day.

It was a laid back affair, just to my liking. David, although he had given me a trip of a lifetime to Norway just a couple of months ago, gave me an Amazon gift card which was immediately applied to my account so that I can further indulge in Kindle book buying. Kindle tells me that I have been reading for a hundred weeks straight now; I am glad someone keeps track. The device also informs me that I have read 116 titles so far this year, one shy of what I read last year. But that will soon be remedied as I am on the homestretch with a book right now, and another on deck. And with the new gift card, well, watch out 2023!
We visited neighbors and then Barnes & Noble, as I also have gift cards for this favorite of places. It was gratifying to see the brick and mortar repository for books so crowded. I stood in line behind forty other folks waiting to make my purchase, but the line moved quickly.
Krysten stopped by with gifts in hand, including a cold bottle of Chardonnay; the bottle was immediately opened, a bowl of nuts magically appeared, and we three sat around the old wooden table (the one bought a quarter century ago as it had smooth rounded edges and would pose no threat to Krys as she scampered about the place in the guise of a four-year-old) telling stories, munching nuts, and doing in that bottle of wine.
Hours passed, the nuts disappeared (as did the wine), presents were opened, old mail for Krys finally sorted, and tales of life in her busy hospital marveled at. She’s a natural storyteller, a trooper, a damn fine competent, compassionate doctor – all the more reason to admire her, not to mention love her.
The kid had to move on, then another neighbor came by and gave us a gift of a hummingbird wall hanging (we had given her a cute toy owl which she promptly named Hoo and hung in her Christmas tree – seems to be a bird theme going on in our neighborhood), another neighbor was given a book purchased at Barnes & Noble earlier in the day (John Irving’s newest, of course). David and I eventually made ourselves presentable and then concluded the night with a fine dinner out. David, the marvel that he is, paid, of course. But he didn’t have to cook and I didn’t have to wash dishes, so a win-win all the way around.
All in all, it was a fine way to spend the day and usher in a new chronological decade.

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