Friday, December 22, 2017

Shortest Day - Longest Night

Shortest Day - Longest Night
Noel Laflin

My friend Ally could type like a fiend, cook like a pro, and build the most beautiful Christmas Village one could ever hope to lay eyes upon. Her laugh was infectious and the coffee pot was always brewing in her kitchen. What more could you ask for?

She made you feel welcome in both her home and garden; the first a tribute to good taste and tidiness - the second, a masterpiece in opulence and beauty.

And these were just a few of her talents.

Ally was one of the finest friends anyone could hope for - my good friend of thirty-six years.

She left us today - the shortest day of the year - and now, the longest night. I've got lines of Robert Frost bouncing around my noggin at present.

I have opened a bottle of wine and just may finish it - after all, it is the longest night of the year and I have a lot of toasting ahead of me.

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