Monday, December 25, 2017

Never Too Late

Never Too Late
Noel Laflin
A friend recently remarked that she wished she had been journaling more of her life.
My advice to her was to just start doing so now, as it’s never too late.
I started to write down my stories/remembrances/ musings right about the time I turned fifty. I did so primarily because I feared forgetfulness.
As I read back on some older entries, I realize that this was a pretty wise decision on my part because I am not sure if I would be able to tell that same particular story now with the same detail that I possessed at the time of the telling. Like I said, I feared, and continue to fear forgetfulness.
But taking the time, at any age, to reflect on our youth magnifies everything, doesn't it?
Ah, nostalgia ... whether it be for beloved friends, lovers, family, old neighbors, teachers, pets or the sweet aroma of butterscotch and vanilla cast about the forest by giant Jeffrey pines on a warm summer day. It all blends and blurs the past quite nicely for me.
Thus, remembrances evolve over time, taking the sharp corners off some unpleasant memories or unearthing a forgotten kindness and showing it the light of day. Consequently, there are some thoughts you just have to try and put into words, even when you know in advance that mere words will most likely fail you.

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