Thursday, April 21, 2022

A Pretty Good Friday

A Pretty Good Friday

Noel Laflin


It's Good Friday 2022, and I'm thinking about another Good Friday some fifty-five years ago instead.

I was fourteen and in need of one last merit badge in order to qualify for the Eagle rank in Scouting. And I knew the last one needed, Lifesaving, was going to be a challenge both mentally and physically as I was not the world's strongest swimmer. So when the Junior Red Cross offered a week long course at our local high school over Easter break back in 1967, I signed up. They guaranteed that if we passed this rigorous week in chilly waters, we'd qualify for everything asked of us in the Scouting requirements for the merit badge.
There were boys and girls both in this class, and I recall that I was teamed up with a nice girl my age. The week was intense with training and long in hours in the pool, but we all gained in strength and life saving techniques as the hours and days passed.
Good Friday was the last day of this course and in order to pass we had to demonstrate our ability to rescue a panicked swimmer.
The fellow they chose for me to save was a huge guy, twice my weight, who waved, smiled, and then immediately sank to the deepest end of the pool and beckoned with a wicked smile to come and get him.
He'd allow me to drag him to the surface easily enough, but then proceed to 'panic' and make things difficult from there on out, just as a real swimmer in trouble might do.
To the bottom of the pool we'd go, then up again, down again, climbing all over my bobbing head, pushing me under repeatedly, etc. Finally, gaining the upper hand, I was able to proceed with a correctly taught maneuver and swim us both safety to the side of the pool.
And with that, I passed the course, as did my teammate, and all those who'd stuck it out for the five days we'd traded sunny carefree time at the beach with our friends for cold chlorinated pool water instead.
I remember thinking at the time, and can reconfirm the very same feeling today - from, oh, so long ago - that it was a pretty good trade and a pretty good Friday at that.

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