Saturday, September 8, 2018

See's Candy

See's Candy
Noel Laflin

I’ve been thinking about See’s Candy as I just saw a video on how they make it. There was even a few seconds dedicated to the making of their Victoria Toffee.

It may only be seven in the morning, but my mouth is already watering. It’s probably genetic as this reminds me of the time, long ago, that I brought a pound of See's Victoria Toffee over to my folks to note their wedding anniversary.

I dropped it off one early evening, had a chat with my parents, wished them both a very happy anniversary, and headed off for a business meeting.

I called my mom the next morning regarding something else, and at the close of the conversation asked if she had a chance to sample the candy as yet.

There was a pause, and she said yes, she had had a bite.

That was all she got, she explained, as she too had left shortly after I had the evening before, heading off to a church function of some sort.

When she returned, two hours later, my father had opened the box in her absence and eaten all but one small chunk, which he thoughtfully left for her.

I eventually went to work for a company that gave out See's Candy at Christmastime. When placing my order each year for just how many boxes I would need to hand out to clients, I always padded the order by at least two pounds: one for dad, and a separate one for mom. 

Oh, and maybe just a couple more for me too.

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