Sunday, October 11, 2015

Ineptitude Aptitude

Ineptitude Aptitude
Noel Laflin

I took an aptitude test nearly forty years ago. It came with the three week training course that I had to attend while working for the Boy Scouts of America. About the only thing I clearly remember of those three weeks were the test, the bitter cold of a New Jersey winter, and missing the warmth of California.

There were hundreds of questions and an equal number of little oval bubble answers by which to darken with our No. 2 pencils. It took a couple of hours to complete the exam. I had a headache by end of it all. 

When the results were in, I was informed by the computer-generated summary that I was most qualified to be a priest - Catholic, specifically.  The two runner up professions for me, as determined by my answers to the myriad of questions were, minister - Protestant, specifically, and youth counselor.

I was least qualified to be an accountant, according to the test. 

Whatever other potential professions were layered between celibacy and number-crunching has been lost to memory unfortunately. I wish I could remember where 'sales rep' for medical labs placed as that is what I eventually did for thirty-five years once I finished a three-year stint as a pitchman, recruiter, and fundraiser for the BSA.

But, back to those test results when I was a mere kid of twenty-four and had my whole life before me...

Despite the fact that I have never been, nor ever will be a Catholic, I did dress as a priest for Halloween on more than one occasion. 

Years later, I also became a minister (non-denominational) with an online outfit so that I could legally perform a wedding service for an old Scouting pal. Since then, I have actually officiated over four additional weddings and most recently a funeral. 

And I did work as a camp counselor for ten years prior to taking that exam.

So, all in all, I suppose that aptitude test of my youth did prove somewhat accurate after all. 

Now, if I could only figure out where the major math error occurred in my checking account a number of years back, I might even disprove the suggestion that I am least suited to being an accountant.

I may have to pray over that one.

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