Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Spring Brew

Spring Brew
Noel Laflin

I finally figured out how to program the coffee grinder/coffee maker. It’s been a year.
I did it accidentally, of course, when I touched a button on the machine in a darken kitchen.
As I could never figure out how to get the damn thing to start on its own all this time, I was always up by six fumbling about to start things brewing.
But since the accidental touch, and as there were beans in the basket and water in the holding tank, the pre-programmed feature worked like a charm!
The problem was, it was set for midnight by default.
Fortunately I was up at that hour and wondered what the strange sound coming from the kitchen might be.
The aroma of freshly ground coffee reminded me of having seen a new LED light flash on the machine hours earlier. Thus I put two and two together eventually.
So I had a cup of freshly brewed coffee as I reread the instruction booklet, figured things out, and set the program to a more reasonable hour.
It was a stimulating way to greet the first day of Spring - right at the stroke of midnight.
Coffee on the second day of Spring, and thereafter, will start grinding away at dawn in the future. Unless I touch a wrong button again, or until the next time change.


  1. My goodness, here's a name I haven't heard since about 1972. I spent a few weeks up at Ahwahnee in '71 and '72. I remember you were our training officer for young scout officers. One night at a campfire, you told dozens of colorful jokes and the laughter was a bit of a roar in the middle of the woods. I did the all-night "eternal flame" gig one night. Fell asleep but someone woke me and didn't get me in trouble. Went through "Order of the Arrow" there. Lots of memories, great experience.

  2. Nice to hear from you, Wes. I too guarded that fire one night. Lots of memories for me as well. If you are on Facebook, there is a Camp Ahwahnee page, open to all if you'd like to join. You may find some old friends. Check it out. - Noel Laflin

    1. Thanks, I'll check it out. Do you remember the old piano in the mess hall, and the fellow who played Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata" late at night? I can almost still hear how it echoed off the hills and through the woods, almost a haunting sound. Didn't matter at all the piano was way out of tune.
