Monday, August 13, 2018

On the Former Waterfront

On the Former Waterfront
Noel Laflin

I have the pancake, egg, and bacon special at the Waterfront Cafe every five thousand miles - give or take a few miles, I guess.
The place is a short walk from where I bring my car for oil changes and you can get a fine breakfast for under seven bucks. I try to schedule the maintenance checkups on either a Monday or Wednesday, as those are the days that Sue the waitress works. She's a hoot with whom to interact, and always on the ball with coffee refills.
The cafe, which used to be fronted by a large water feature, drawing in ducks, as well as the homeless (in order to bathe by moonlight) now has a desert landscape. Apparently the pond was leaking, and there was concern about potential lawsuits should some homeless fellow ever suffer an unexpected midnight mishap and sue the cafe.
So, where I used to look out the window and wait for a duck to make an appearance, now I watch hummingbirds seek out drought-tolerant blooms.
Not a bad trade-off.
And Sue provides the ever-present coffee refills and stories that keep me in stiches, and which keeps me coming back every five thousand miles - give or take a few.

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