Friday, July 27, 2018

In Box Number Two

I have opened a second box of letters from my folks.  The first box contained well over a hundred correspondences – there are probably another six hundred or more letters to read.

There’s no chronology to these intimate insights, but that doesn’t matter really. That can come later.  For now, I just read, and read, and read – sometimes crying, sometimes laughing, sometimes cringing …

The top batch is from 1945, mostly from my mother.  The third letter down had me spitting out a drink, much the way Back to the Future’s Marty McFly does in the ‘parked car’ scene with his mother when he sees her lighting a cigarette and says, “Jesus! You smoke too?”

In a July 23, 1945 letter my mom writes back an answer to a car question posed by my dad:

“Trying to get a station wagon after the war is a good idea.  I remember you always talked of one. It surely would solve a lot of problems. You and I should have had one during our ‘courting days.  The back seat would have been big enough then!!!”


Circumstances were such that my mom and dad were married for over three years, and yet, due to my dad having to report to boot camp a month after their wedding, they had never had a chance to celebrate either of their birthdays in person during that time. I did not realize this until I came upon this letter tonight.
“Detroit Lakes, Minn.
June 5, 1945 (my mother’s 30th birthday)

My Darling Husband,
It’s a funny thing. A few years ago I considered 30 rather much like old age, but now when I have reached it I feel as young as ever.
Good night now. I wish you were her to give me a birthday kiss. I’ve never had one from you.
Forever yours,


I just discovered in a 1945 letter from my mom to my dad that she envisioned having four kids - named: Mary Elizabeth, Marcia Suzanne, Stephen, and Peter.
They ended up with three - named: Robert Allen, Noel Christopher, and Susanne Elizabeth. 
Score a partial win for Susi anyway.

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