Friday, June 15, 2018

The Letter

The Letter
Noel Laflin

My old friend, Joanie, called me this morning to tell me about a handwritten letter she had just uncovered. I had written it to her forty-one years ago this summer.
As she read it aloud, the time frame and circumstances hauntingly came into focus.
It was a long letter filled with encouragement and thanks. I was a young Scout Executive at the time, hitting every goal in sight - consequently, thriving on the professional adrenaline rush of success.
But I was smart enough to know, even back then, that most of that success was due to Joanie. She was a relentless recruiter, fundraiser, cheerleader when I despaired, and personal confidant. When I left the profession feeling down and out, she never wavered in her friendship.
I am glad that Joanie Gribble and I have remained close throughout the years and that she, like me, saves old letters.
But I am even more pleased to know that the younger me was kind enough to thank and praise her accomplishments so effusively in real time.
I have often wondered if I really had.
That old letter helped put the question to rest.
Thank you, dear friend.

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