Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Sock it to Me


Sock it to Me

Noel Laflin



I went to my good friend Joanie's 90th birthday party today - and as expected, it was a walk down memory lane with old Scouting friends going back nearly 50 years together.

While getting ready to head over to the party I distinctly remember taking out a clean pair of socks to put on upstairs where I keep my shoes.

Well, twenty minutes go by, I realize it's time to put on my sneakers and head out, but I can't find my socks. Thinking I am loosing it again (happens daily with things like this), I eventually give up the search, grab a new pair, put on shoes and go to the party.

I am at the party chatting with the birthday girl when one of her sons pulls me aside to ask if there was some significance to the pair of socks draped over my shoulder.

"So that's where they went!" I exclaimed, more happy to have solved the riddle as to where I had left them, as opposed to the embarrassment of having to explain why they were there in the first place.

Joanie's son just shook his head and wandered off.

I was simply giddy with relief - and then removed the socks from my shoulder and stuffed them in my back pocket.

As the story quickly spread from there, I just thought I should tell my side of things first and avoid further confusion that I am certain will be following me in the days to come.

I will be looking over my shoulder, too, no doubt, just in case such confusion decides to sneak up on me again. 





Noel Laflin



When I started working professionally for the Boy Scouts back in September 1976, I really didn't have a clue as to how to raise money or recruit kids for the organization - the two things that either made or broke a young professional in that field.


Then I was introduced to a woman, a volunteer Cub Scout leader by the name of Joan Gribble, who must have taken pity on the floundering newbie (the idealistic, but naive twenty-three-year-old me), as she quietly took me by the hand and showed me the ropes in order to get the job done.


We made for a successful team over the next three years advancing our district to number one in both recruitment as well as financial achievements. We were a force to be reconnected with. And, with Joanie in mind, they remain some of my fondest memories of that long ago era.


I couldn't have done any of this without her.


And now she turns 90, and I am on the verge of 72.


But at her birthday party on Saturday, (attended by former Cub Scouts now all in their 60's), it was as if no time at all had passed.


Scouting has changed. But fierce loyalties and strong friendships are still intact.


Happy birthday, dear friend! And as always, you remain trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind ... well, the list does go on and on, naturally enough.