Come Back to Me
Noel Laflin
My old friend Sue Scott once told me, as we sipped cheap Scotch whisky one lazy autumn afternoon (some forty years ago), how her mother liked to write on the upper margins of dollar bills. In oh-so-fine penmanship, according to Sue, it was always the same wording: Come back to me.
Not a single one of those autographed George Washington's ever made its way back to her mother during her lifetime, or so Sue said, taking another sip of Scotch and a long, thoughtful drag on her cigarette.
But on the one-year anniversary of her mother’s death, and on Halloween at that, Sue was given back change at a local market. As she was putting the singles in her purse, one caught her eye.
In the upper margin, in oh-so-fine (and ever so recognizable) penmanship, were familiar words: Come back to me.