to use all twenty of the following words in a brief story:
– a person who has intelligence but no principals
Peg Puff – a
young woman with the manners of an old one
Fudgel – the
act of giving the impression of working but actually doing nothing
Twattling –
gossiping idly about unimportant things
– people who are angry or unhappy with government
Hum Durgeon
– an imaginary illness
Groke –
someone who stares at you hoping you will share your food
Shivviness –
the uncomfortable feeling of wearing new underwear
Crapulous –
feeling ill as a result of eating too much food
Mugwump –
someone in charge who affects being above petty squabbles
Dysania –
someone who has extreme difficulty getting out of bed in the morning
Mugger – secretive or covert behavior
Elflock – a
word that describes tangled hair – as if matted by elves
– someone who gives opinions on things of which they know nothing
Trumpery –
things that look good but are basically worthless
Jargogle –to
confuse or jumble up
“The town’s
mayor was nothing more than a mere cockalorum - a mugwump known for outright fudgel - the very fellow with the intelligence of a
gutter snollygoster but who could sell his ideas with the finest trumpery, when
in fact he was a simple ultracrepidarian.
the mayor’s wife, a corpulent peg puff suffering from chronic shivviness, not to mention hum
durgeon tendencies, made yet another appointment with the town physician – yes,
the very man known for dysania, which would account for his zwodde behavior, not to mention hugger mugger attributes. As she was feeling quite crapulous – due in part to the feast of
the night before, the mayor’s wife was feeling most anxious about the upcoming
appointment. She also thought it would
be a fine time to make complaint, once again, about the town’s groke. He had made her quite uncomfortable the night
before when he stared, as he had so intently, at her generous third helping of heaped sweetmeats.
But upon her
arrival, the physician was idly twattling with the ultracrepidarian nurse –
yes, the voluminous blonde with elflock hair.
Looking up
from their fudgel, the two quietly groaned in unison, as they knew the mayor’s
wife to actually be the worst sort of lanspresado. The two grumbletonians smiled nonetheless,
attempting to jargogle the poor woman.”