Sunday, August 28, 2022




Noel Laflin



Eight years ago today, I attended my last sales meeting, said my goodbyes to many colleagues and friends, tossed the company cell phone to the boss, collected a final check, and headed home – filled with relief, excitement, and butterflies. What next, I wondered?


I boasted that I was trading in work shoes for sandals and tennis shoes, which did become the norm, in short order.


I thought I might travel more, which has certainly become the case.

I hoped I would write more, and gratefully I have – for better or for worse. My sister calls them 'musings', and I think she is right. There is no great novel hiding in my subconscious, but there are a lot of memories that I like to explore with words. Some will resonate will others, I figure, and so I share them here. It's always been rather therapeutic and is cheaper than therapy.


I knew that I would have more time for reading, and that is my secret compulsion as Kindle informs me that I have read way too many books over the years. But too many stories (good ones anyway) is never a bad thing. I took up Kindle years ago as there was just no more room in the house for real books. And this way I always have a library in my back pocket, too, which is most convenient.


Finally, I thought I should take up a camera and see what I might do with it.


I am still puzzling that part out, but the feel of it, along with all of the musings listed above, sure beats attending sales meetings.


The only butterflies I have nowadays are the ones I am chasing out of doors. And that is a very nice change in venue.

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